How Long Does Switchable Glass Last?

Switchable glass, the smart glass that turns from opaque to clear at the flick of a switch, is more than a stylish, practical design solution. Switchable privacy glass is also a durable, long-lasting glass option. That said, certain factors may impact the lifespan of switchable glass, such as location (within the home or building – for example, as a wall divider, or externally as a window), sunlight exposure and how often it is in use.


Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) film

One of the most widely used switchable films is known as Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC). This film contains liquid crystal droplets that are the size of a micron. This film is the secret ingredient to the switchable glass technology. It is baked between two layers of glass laminate along with adhesive interlayers. These layers are all cooked in a pressure oven to come together as one sheet of switchable glass.


How long does switchable glass last?

As we established earlier, the length of time switchable glass will last depends on the life it has lived – where it has been located, the level of UV exposure and how much it was used. That said, if the switchable glass is used daily, switched on for about 50% of the time, the laminated switchable films can last between 15-20 years and up to 25 years. Specifically, Polyvision glass is designed to comfortably withstand temperatures between -10 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees Celsius, with a lifespan up to 25 years in these conditions.


Polyvision glass applications

Polyvision smart glass offers a wide variety of applications. Common applications include residential installations – where our glass is used as room dividers and privacy solutions for bathrooms or as windows and kitchen splashbacks. Fortunately, if a power cut was to occur, Polyvision smart glass reverts to opaque, protecting your privacy at all times.

In corporate settings, switchable smart glass is commonly installed in boardrooms to offer instant privacy or provide staff with a productive space to work. Polyvision is also routinely installed in hospitals as a hygienic alternative to bacteria-harbouring curtains. Other applications of Polyvision include hospitality settings, marine and education.


Install Polyvision switchable glass

Polyvision switchable glass brings privacy and security with architectural integrity to virtually any space you can think of. As well as privacy, security, practicality and style, Polyvision offers Infrared Radiation and UV Ray protection. To enquire about Polyvision smart glass, contact our team today.


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