If you think nothing beats being able to get home from a long day and relax on the couch – you’re about to be proven wrong. The next best thing is here! Meet Polyvision Switchable Glass. The glass that turns from opaque to transparent in the flick of a switch.
Contrary to popular belief, a product like this is not just for hotels, hospitals and office spaces and actually has a great arrangement of applications within the residential setting too. So, if you’re ready to up your game as a homeowner and increase the value and aesthetic of your house, read on to find out more.
Polyvision Switchable Glass In Residential Homes
In this blog, we’re going to take a look at the residential applications of Polyvision Switchable Glass, room by room.
Lounge Room
Polyvision Switchable Glass has many applications in a lounge room. Blinds, be gone – you can add an element of luxury to your lounge room using Polyvision instead of regular windows, saving the need for any extra sun-blockers or privacy shades. You can also apply Polyvision to your front door using the same principle.
Another place that Polyvision really shines in the lounge room is in skylights. By using switchable glass in your skylight, you give yourself the ultimate customisability. Need more light? Make it transparent. Want to reduce the light coming in? Change it to opaque. A flick of the switch. It’s that easy.

Moving through the house, the next place where Polyvision is used is in the kitchen. Do you have a glass splashback over your stovetop? If you do, and you’ve ever wished that the whole world wasn’t watching you cook, switchable glass might just be the answer.
Better yet, if you have a wine cellar or even just a butler’s pantry, switchable glass can give it the modern edge it needs to really complement your entire home aesthetic.
When it comes to the bedroom, the possibilities are endless. You can basically apply every lounge room use to the bedroom as well – skylights, windows and doors. However, when you’re in the bedroom, another place that Polyvision Switchable Glass really shines is ensuite dividers. Sometimes, a big wooden door is simply too much for the sleek style you are going for. In this instance, think about whether switchable glass may be the optimal privacy solution.
In the bathroom, Polyvision Switchable Glass has been used for anything from skylights to shower enclosures. These days, it’s not uncommon for a bathroom to offer natural lighting, and by using switchable glass, you’ll have the ultimate control over what you want each time you enter the room. Switchable glass used in the shower creates a simple yet highly effective aesthetic while remaining functional and negating the need for bacteria-harbouring shower curtains.
Ultimately, what Polyvision Switchable Glass offers as a product is a seamless transition between opaque and transparent glass at the flick of a switch. Where you choose to use it is really up to you. We can accommodate most requests and are happy to share our expert advice on how and where to use this magical glass. Get in touch with us today to find out more about how you can bring your home to life with Polyvision Switchable Glass!